Some people are more likely to see scars when their acne clears.

Scars are formed when a breakout penetrates the skin deeply and damages the tissues beneath it.
Before you try to treat your scars, it’s important to know what type they are. Each type responds to treatment differently, and some treatments are better for particular types than others. Additionally, your skin tone can also be a factor. For example, for darker skin types, deeper skin laser treatments will not be recommended due to higher chances of scarring and pigmentation. Most darker skin tones will be pretreated with 4 percent hydroquinone (bleaching cream) prior to treatments like microneedling, peels, and lasers.

Although we know what increases a person’s risk of developing acne scars, it is not possible to predict who will develop acne scars. Even people who have all the risk factors may not scar. It is, however, possible to prevent acne scars with effective acne treatment. Waiting to treat acne until it becomes severe can lead to extensive scarring.