Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss & Diet Chart

Are you looking for the best Indian Diet Plan to lose weight? The rules are simple.

All you need to do is start eating right food. However, in India, this can feel like an insurmountable challenge, given our food culture and dietary habits. For instance, a typical Indian meal is high in carbohydrates and sugar – we eat a lot of potatoes, rice, and sweets.

We also love our snacks and can’t imagine a day without our fix of namkeens and bhujias. Even we encourage our friends and family into eating more, as a sign of hospitality and affection, and consider refusing, an extra helping a rebuff. To top it all, we’ve never embraced physical exercise as essential. So, it isn’t a surprise that India is battling with a growing problem of obesity.

The Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss

No single food provides all the calories and nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. That’s why a balanced diet consisting of macronutrients like carbohydrates, protein, and fat along with micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals, is recommended.

The best Indian diet for weight loss is a combination of the five major food groups – fruits and vegetables, cereals and pulses, meat and dairy products, and fats and oils. Furthermore, knowing how to divvy up the food groups, allocate portion sizes, and the best/ideal time to eat is also equally important.